“There’s children throwing snowballs, instead of throwing heads, they’re busy building toys and absolutely no one’s dead.”
— Jack Skellington
The Nightmare WOD Before Christmas is a GORUCK community tradition continued by Chris Strasser of as an annual fundraiser and way to spend time with his Ruck Club around the holidays. Chris gave us permission to share a version of this spirited workout of the day with GORUCK Nation and Tribe. The patch will be available on December 1 and we invite you to collectively do this 2-part WOD on December 2 and 9. That said, you can plan your club’s Nightmare WOD any time this month.
Day 1 (Saturday, Dec 2): “Jack Skellington”
Expert/Rx: Ruck (30#/20#) for all movements except burpees Burpees (slick/unweighted)
Scaled: slick/unweighted for entire wod
- BUY IN: 1 mile run/shuffle
- 50 burpees
- 50 sit ups
- 50 push-ups
- 50 air squats
- 50 4ct mountain climbers
- 50 4ct jumping jacks
- 50 4ct flutter kicks
Day 2 (Sunday, Dec 9): “Lock, Shock, and Barrel”
Expert/Rx: Sandbag (60#/40#) & Ruck (30#/20#) for all movements except Russian Twist & Leg Raises use ruck only (30#/20#)
Scaled: Ruck only for entire wod (30#/20#)
- 10 man makers
- 50 plank ruck pull through
- 400m ruck
- 10 man makers
- 50 ruck pressed leg lifts
- 400m ruck
- 10 man makers
- 50 ruck twists (2 ct)